Gottlieb Freddy: A Nightmare On Elm Street

Gottlieb Freddy: A Nightmare On Elm Street
Launched by Gottlieb in 1995 on the back of the hugely successful horror movie, Freddy: A Nightmare On Elm Street follows the adventures of the nocturnal monster Freddy Krueger.
Intense multiball action.
With plenty of multiball rounds to keep you sharp, the playfield features lots of interactive elements. Halfway up the table on the left is a third flipper in the shape of Freddy's claw. Use this carefully to keep the ball up in the top of the playfield. If you're lucky you'll hit Freddy's head, which moves and spits out multiballs, or the furnace, which activates special game modes. Between the flippers there's a ball save feature, but you'll have to remember to hit the third button when you need it!
Creepy, horror movie theme.
With an immersive, creepy theme involving deep red backlighting, spooky voiceovers and music, and plenty of nasty shocks, Freddy: A Nightmare On Elm Street is one of the best horror-themed pinball machines ever made. Just remember to keep the lights on...
Reconditioning Process:
This machine was originally used in commercial environments such as arcades, public houses, and amusements.
When you place your order with us, we will take the machine out of storage and bring it into our workshop, where technicians will fully clean and test all the components to ensure they are in working order as well as making any repairs that may be necessary.
Because of the age of these machines and that fact that they were originally used in commercial environments, it is possible that there may be signs of cosmetic wear and tear. However, we feel that these slight imperfections only add to the patina of this classic machine and helps to tell a story of its past life.
Please understand that some items may take up to 28 days for a full refurbishment.