Sega Goldeneye (OUT OF STOCK)

Sega Goldeneye (OUT OF STOCK)


The 007 Goldeneye pinball machine was released by the Sega pinball division in 1996 and is based on the 1995 James Bond movie of same name. As Bond, the player must stop the international terrorist Janus from using the old Soviet Goldeneye satellite to destroy London’s financial markets. Opposing him are the sexy but deadly Xenia Onatopp, the Soviet Colonel General Arkady Ourumov, and Janus himself. Infiltrate a Soviet nerve gas plant, engage in shoot-outs with guards, hack Janus’ computers, detonate Q’s exploding pen, then pop up the jump ramp to capture a pinball in the satellite dish. Complete all five 007 Encounters, and you might be able to activate Goldeneye itself for a five-ball scoring frenzy.

2 Flippers, 3 Pop bumpers, 2 Slingshots, 14 Standup targets, 1 Thrust magnet above flipper gap flings ball upfield. Playfield also features a tank and satellite radar dish.

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This machine was originally used in commercial environments such as arcades, public houses, and amusements.

When you place your order with us, we will take the machine out of storage and bring it into our workshop, where technicians will fully clean and test all the components to ensure they are in working order as well as making any repairs that may be necessary.

Because of the age of these machines and that fact that they were originally used in commercial environments, it is possible that there may be signs of cosmetic wear and tear. However, we feel that these slight imperfections only add to the patina of this classic machine and helps to tell a story of its past life.

Please understand that some items may take up to 28 days for a full refurbishment.

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