Rockola 498 - front panel with subwoofers

Rockola 498 - front panel with subwoofers


This front panel was removed from a Rockola 498 (the last of the vinyl jukeboxes), but it should also fit the same cabinet models (such as the 496, and the first of the CD models). Includes two good subwoofers.

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Rockola 496 - coin mechanism and mounting bracket

Rockola Mech Power Board 55180-A

Rockola Mech Power Board 55180-A

Rockola 498 - front glass door (Vinyl / CD) Rockola1.jpg

Rockola 498 - front glass door (Vinyl / CD)

Rockola - opto pcb 54225-1A C3F46077-DAD2-44AD-B3EB-4163067D97BF

Rockola - opto pcb 54225-1A

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Rockola - Supersound glass / mirror
