NSM - 240I speaker set

NSM - 240I speaker set


Four speakers removed from a damaged NSM 240i. There are two tweeters, and two middle range speakers

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NSM volume control

NSM volume control

NSM ES4 CD Control Unit (206631A) IMG-20210212-WA0002.jpg

NSM ES4 CD Control Unit (206631A)

BC8A1605-4BF3-4807-BF03-93BFB0E20515 22871093-331F-4A47-B820-D1FF2C6CA9C3

NSM cash box door / coin door


NSM CD Jukebox Lamp Ballast - ESVI / ES6

82EB10DC-C41E-41DD-878C-D713777B2A6E 5F02A664-32B9-443F-BA5C-084D1A5CC208

NSM Title Card Motors Assembly
