NSM Prestige ES160 - Speaker set

NSM Prestige ES160 - Speaker set


Removed working - these are all the speakers from the bottom sub cabinet.

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82EB10DC-C41E-41DD-878C-D713777B2A6E 5F02A664-32B9-443F-BA5C-084D1A5CC208

NSM Title Card Motors Assembly

2BEED665-B061-44AF-B7D1-7507A5BEFE3E.jpeg 0BC328BC-E858-49F2-8F54-DF255D25E14F.jpeg

NSM - Coin reject slot plastic

7D4C6596-15D5-4530-AF6E-DC2260191086 D1444594-151D-47B0-B562-7208FE756E07

NSM - Sound to light pcb (170 216/40)


NSM Vinyl Components - Control / Credit / Keypad / Display / TEST RIG!


NSM Jukebox Amplifier - ESVI / ES6 (CD)
