Rowe Ami Carousel Belt

Rowe Ami Carousel Belt


Removed from working jukebox

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Rowe-Ami Vinyl Jukebox Central Control Computer

s-l500.jpg control pcbs.  Fits most of the later vinyl jukes (R84-94).jpg

Rowe Ami Mechanism Control Board (R84-94 + others)

from £65.00
939E124B-79D8-4A41-A221-BA94238DBB86 72C84693-5A3C-4532-8712-B929CB2373D5

Rowe ami tonearm - with cartridge

2516113D-E781-4259-BECB-3BD524934EF4 74C8D84A-F20A-4632-9892-72AC975A35D1
Sold Out

Rowe Ami jukebox amplifier R-2179A

from £195.00
Rowe Ami - speakers - R81 R82 (4-00737-01, L-6146-K) 46B2FB21-9E46-493D-AB3B-90CB53892FCE

Rowe Ami - speakers - R81 R82 (4-00737-01, L-6146-K)
